From countries behind former Iron Curtain

A unique catalogue

Every rotorcraft enthusiast must have!

Dear Viewer!

We are proud to present to you a 5th edition of the catalogue, which is also the first edition written in English.

As a bit of introduction, let us put here a personal note from Mr Ruszkowski:

I came across Mr Leonid's catalogue in 2013. As an all rotorcraft enthusiast, design engineer and certified helicopter mechanic I was really excited to get a big heavy book that covers hundreds of small rotorcraft and helicopters in particular. The only thing I was not happy about when I was reading the catalogue was the language - the edition I purchased was the Polish one. As it turned out in an e-mail correspondence with Leonid, it was translated by another person to Polish (Leonid writes his books in Ukrainian and Russian), but unfortunately it happened to be often incorrect. Once I wrote an e-mail to Leonid: "Hey, why don't you publish your book in English - you then shall get a wider audience". Well… making the long story short, I ended up translating his catalogue. It wasn't and still isn't a commercial endeavour for me - It was part of my hobby in my spare time, so it has taken years to complete. I also focused on passing the technical information in a simple way so no-one speaking English will have problems understanding it. What you are able to see now is a new, refreshed, refined English version of the catalogue which Mr Leonid used to publish for many years now. I guess it will be not a cheap one as it usually was a low volume printed book - but it is like a Bugatti Veyron in the world of books - for those who want specific and rare knowledge put on paper it is worth a lot.

Best regards,
Marcin Ruszkowski

Technical data

Dimensions, airfoils used, geometrical twists, autodynamic-hub hinge angles, performance, engine make and so on - all such data are either organized in a tabular form or described in the paragraphs.

Structure details

What kind of metal? What cross-section dimensions? How many layers of fibreglass on the blade's skin or how thick plywood? - it is not a rare thing that you can find such data in this catalogue.

Brief project history

Why did the project start? How did it evolve? What kind of challenges were faced? This kind of information, also enclosed in the catalogue, often explains why the aircraft has its particular form.

People involved

Not a single project would materialize without people behind it. Here you can find information about them. 

Unique and rare

By definition this catalogue is different and focuses mostly on small and ingenious rotorcraft designs, like this MAI IV-4 - a foldable single-seater.


Yes, it is incomplete. Take a look inside sample pdf to read out why…


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